Sunday, January 2, 2011

First Snow

I have been in Grand Island, Neb. for over 5 months now and having lived most of my life in the South, I have been eagerly awaiting the first snowfall. Well, while the east coast and much of the midwest was getting more snow than they could handle in December, central Nebraska hadn't seen much of any kind of snowfall. So, there was no white Christmas in Grand Island this year. But on the last day of December, we finally got the snow I was waiting for. Here are a few snow features I shot for the paper.


  1. You make the snow seem so much fun, Crystal! Thanks for sharing these... they make me miss the daily grind (and even weather assignments!) at a newspaper. Nice work!

  2. Glad to see they finally have someone with a real eye at that paper. . . your work is very good. Good luck.
